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  • How long does it take for my orders to be delivered?
    Your orders are usually processed within 2 business days after payment completion, and the delivery time may vary depending on your shipping address and product availability.
  • How can I make a return or exchange?
    For return or exchange requests, you can create a return or exchange request by selecting the relevant order from the "My Account" section's Order History page. For more information, please review our Return Policy.
  • How can I check the stock availability of products?
    The stock availability of products is indicated as "In Stock" or "Out of Stock" on the product page. You can add in-stock products to your cart.
  • What is the delivery fee?
    The delivery fee may vary depending on your order total, shipping address, and chosen shipping carrier. The delivery fee will be automatically calculated on the payment page.
  • Will I receive a refund for a canceled order?
    Yes, the payment for canceled orders will be refunded to your payment method. The refund usually takes 5-7 business days to reflect in your account.
  • What is your privacy policy?
    For more information about our privacy policy, please visit our "Privacy Policy" page. We prioritize the privacy and security of your personal data and adhere to legal regulations.
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